
I'd like to welcome you to my blog.

I'd like to, that is, but I'm not really sure I should.

See, here's the thing. If you're going to read this blog, there's something you should know: I've already killed one blog, resurrected it in another place, then killed that one. Not a great record, I know, but "third time's the charm" and all that.

If that doesn't turn you off and you're still going to read this blog, there's something else you should know: I'm not really sure, exactly, what I'm going to blog about.

Well, okay, I suppose there's a pool of possible topics. There will probably be posts related to biblical studies: historical Jesus, the canonical Gospels, Paul's letters and theology, specific biblical passages, that sort of thing. Probably you'll get some theological musings along the way, especially focused on biblical and narrative theology, especially centred on the gospel. It's likely there will be some reflections on Anabaptism and evangelicalism, maybe some thoughts on Canada and Canadiana, perhaps even some comments on Bach or jazz, hockey or hiking, fiction or poetry, family or just living life.

In other words, I'm not really sure, exactly.

But if any of that sounds interesting, and if you think you can risk reading a blogger that's already, mercilessly, killed two blogs, then by all means stick around and watch the wind blow in the open spaces of my mind, thoughts swirling, mere rustlings in the grass.

Hey, you can't say you haven't been warned.